Spring Hunt 2019


Spring Club Hunt 2019

Was held at Buckroe Beach
in Hampton, VA on April 20, 2019

Our Spring Hunt is over and we had a pretty good turn out despite the mixed bag of weather. The storms from the previous night left the beach soaked and a bit tough to set up. It was cool and windy for most of the day but eventually warmed up but was still quite windy throughout the day. Below are photos of the set up as well as the warm up and main hunts along with our many prize winners.

Thanks to the great team of club members that helped break up the rain soaked sand to make seeding the hunt field a little easier.

Just when you think you've seen it all. A supposed previously discovered "dead" possum from the previous nights storm was indeed alive and started moving towards our hunt field. Luckily it eventually got its bearings and moved off towards the pier.

Group Photo Time!

Warm up Hunt

And in a completely unrelated animal sighting we were joined by more possums in the form of two baby possums that were found by these young ladies in a different part of town out for a walk. This is a photo of one of them I was able to get. Very cute at this age but not something I would want to keep as a pet.

Main Hunt Time

More sun and a bit warmer made the second hunt a bit more comfortable.

Sand Pipers on the beach are neat to watch and whole lot less scary than a possum.




Some of the Prizes

Our Prize Winners - Congratulations to all our winners.


Thank you to our Hunt masters Susan and Robert.

I hope everyone had a great time. See you at the next meeting.

Barry Merrill- HRRS President.



Page last updated 04-25-2019