Spring Hunt 2024



Our first competitive hunt of 2024 was held on April 27, 2024 at Buckroe Beach in Hampton, VA. While cloudy and windy for most of the day we were lucky to not have to deal with any rain. The beach was in great condition that made setting up and seeding the hunt field really easy as the sand was nice and dry. With just a little effort all tokens and coinage was set up for the warm up hunt. It was great to see our usual participants and a special welcome to two new members, Sherry and James, that joined the club at the hunt. Welcome!


Warm up Hunt

Main Hunt Time

As you notice from the photos we had a good turn out. We also had the opportunity to enjoy some people enjoying the water and the wind with some kitesurfing along the waterfront.



Thank you to several of our members that donated prizes for this hunt, in combination with
the prizes that our huntmasters purchased there was a great selection of prizes.

Our mascots for the day.

Prize Winners

Thanks everyone for coming out and joining us on this windy day for our Spring Hunt.
We picked up a few new members and it looked like everyone had a great time.

Thanks as always to Susan and Robert our Hunt-masters. We are grateful to you for putting everything together and realize there is alot of behind the scenes work that goes into purchasing prizes throughout the year to get the best prices, but also in the selection of those prizes and pairing them with an appropriate token. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

See you all in the Fall for our next hunt!

Barry Merrill- HRRS President.

Page last updated 05-03-2024